This short piece was published as part of 

The Distance Plan, Journal Issue 5, 2019
This issue brings together poetry, visual art, prose essays, and an interview organized around the theme “Charismatic Facts.” It also includes additions to our ongoing project, Climate Change & Art: A Lexicon. 

Contributors to issue #5 include: Rae Armantrout, Andrew Gorin, Rachael Guynn Wilson, Brenda Hillman, Gabriel Levin, Vana Manasiadis, Karlo Mila, Sara Rara, Guillermo Rebollo Gil, Rodrigo Toscano, Boaz Levin, Lina Moe, Clive Hamilton, Amy Howden-Chapman, K. Flint, Leah Aronowsky, Veronica Olivotto, Oliver Kellhammer, and Gabriela Salazar. 

The Distance Plan Issue_5_WHOLE.pdf6.45 MB